Our “Energy Massage Oil” is the massage oil which energizes the body and clarifies the mind, helping to increase concentration and memory. It is infused with Cinnamomum Tamala, Zingiber officinale, Elettaria Cardamomum and HHT* Blend. We supply five different infusions in high quality plastic pump dispensers.
Brief Introduction:
Ingredients: Apricot oil, Cinnamomum Tamala, Ginger, Elettaria Cardamomum and HHT blend
Product Dimensions: Height 15 cm x Diameter 3.5cm
Weight: 110 ml
Benefits: To Increase concentration and memory
Meditational Significance: Increase the concentration and memory
Directions for Use: Take massage with this oil
Safety Warnings: Do not place at child’s reach and store in a cool place
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